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Delmarva Equine Clinic

Equine Chiropractic

The right equine chiropractor can make a big difference in your horse’s condition. Whether dealing with a medical issue, showing signs of slowing down in its old age, or attending to an an acute problem, a chiropractor may be the right solution.

What is chiropractic equine care? 

Chiropractic care for horses is not very different from chiropractic care for humans or other animals. However, since horses are used in a different way than most other types of animals, this kind of veterinary care focuses on specific areas in which horses often see problems. The end goal is to help a horse feel better, perform better, and become more mobile, especially if it has suffered an injury or has an ongoing condition that contributes to mobility issues. 

An equine chiropractor manually moves a horse’s body, focusing on the vertebrae. The chiropractor makes adjustments to the horse’s body that can help get the horse back to his usual self in no time. This type of treatment is considered a manual therapy in horses. It isn’t the only treatment your horse may need, depending on his condition, but it is likely to make a big difference in the results. It may be paired with other types of physical therapy or may go along with a medication regimen that can help your horse’s health improve with time. 

Horses may receive chiropractic care for a variety of reasons. Some horse owners feel like this type of treatment is unnecessary and that traditional veterinary medicine can help their horses heal just as easily as anything else. However, more and more horse owners are beginning to see the benefits of taking their horse's care to the next level with chiropractic care.

While it is entirely up to you to decide whether or not your horse requires chiropractic care, consult our veterinarians to discuss if your horse might benefit from chiropractic care.

Indicators for an Equine Chiropractor

  • Problems with a horse’s muscles: Horses who have frequent, recurring muscle pain can benefit from seeing a chiropractor. Additionally, horses who suffer from acute muscle problems, such as a badly pulled muscle may need chiropractic treatment for a short time until they can recover.

  • Joint or bone health issues: Horses may develop a variety of bone health or joint issues, including arthritis. If your horse suffers from this type of problem, an examination by a veterinarian for official diagnoses and treatment options is the first step. Chiropractic may be a useful adjunct treatment to improve the horse's comfort. 

  • Decline in performance: Horses who are used for working and athletic purposes tend to have more strain put on their bodies than other horses. These horses may start to show a decline in their athletic abilities. They may slow down, may appear to be in pain while performing, or they may develop new behavioral problems that haven’t been an issue before. If you notice any of these problems in your horse, a thorough veterinarian examination and chiropractic treatment may be the necessary treatment. 

  • Aging: As your horse gets older, it is going to have different health needs. Older horses may be able to regain some of the vitality of their youth by receiving regular equine chiropractic treatments. Your horse’s individual needs and results will vary. 

  • Odd posture: A horse who shows odd posture at any point in his life—from birth to old age—may be able to have the problem corrected by a chiropractor.